My Twisted Sukha
from my Heart to Yours...
about Me and Others like me...
Info plus ...
the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...
resources and Stuff, etc...
from my Heart to Yours...
our Mouths and Ears...

the Weepers, by Taren Dawn D'Haus

*this site belongs to an incest survivor and deals with sexual abuse of children.*

Hot Pink Beating Heart

I refuse to believe that the majority of people are aware of the number of children sexually abused in our society on a regular basis. Surely if the numbers were known, there would be more information available to the public concerning incest and sexual abuse of children. Resources for the abused are too few, and too fruitless. In large, the quickest remedy seems to be suppression of facts. The few statistics and facts available remain behind our times, and are not current.

It is my promise to share with others any information I collect along my path of "wholing". With enough resources, tools, and support from others, I am convinced that those abused in such horrific fashion can be freed up from their pasts, and go forward towards happy, and fulfilling lives and futures.

For every grain of understanding fought and won the hard way, I am fortunate. I thank family. I thank friends. I thank others like myself brave enough to share what they could in my quest for information and Peace. The most powerful tool in any circumstance is education.

I hope, and I pray daily that others are learning to look at the "dust" under society's "rug", and will grab a broom. I also hope it's remembered that we are human beings, longing to be loved, and valued. Each and every survivor of sexual abuse as a child longs for the light of day, and some sunshine in our hearts.

thank you, for being here-
from my heart to yours,
Taren Dawn

*please feel free to inquire about my book,

angel with moving wings


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